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WIIFM - What's In It For Me? Truth is your audience are wondering that before you start. So make sure you know what's in it for them. While you're at it - what's in it for you too!

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Last Updated: (Apr, 2024)

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Ipswich Speakers Club and The ASC -
Helping people become better speakers, better presenters and better leaders.

Association of Speakers Club

Checklist for preparing a speech

Guidance on how to prepare for a speech

1. What is the topic for your speech?

2. Why is it appropriate for you ?

3. Why is the topic appropriate for your audience?

4. What is your time slot? ______ Can your speech fit that time constraint? _______________

5. What is your purpose for giving this talk?

6. What is the main theme, your big idea?

7. What will you use to establish your credibility when you start?

8. What is your context statement and how will your audience understand your points ?

9. What are your three points (in full)

10. Write the full sentences you will develop in your speech

11. What information will you include to clarify the central point to your audience (write in full)

12. How will your speech end, what drama will be used and how will you reinforce your central theme



1. The big picture - what to say, ref points, objective

2. The Story

3. Memorability



Always have empathy with audience

Be thorough – do they have all they need

Include all relevant info

Never dump on audience – no unplanned extras

Have a save the cat moment

End with a story to support the message.

Kindly contributed by Paul Johnstone